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Hearing on Proposed Route 88 Commercial Complex Postponed

The Laurelton Mobile Home Park, off Route 88 in Brick. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The Laurelton Mobile Home Park, off Route 88 in Brick. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Real estate developer Jack Morris requested an adjournment of a planned hearing before the Brick Township zoning board on his application to build a commercial complex at the site of the Laurelton Mobile Home Park.

“With the complexity of the application, we couldn’t be ready to hear this applicant on this date,” said Board President Harvey Langer, who added engineers from the township and Morris’ company would be meeting to go over the application in more detail.

The applicant granted a 90 day extension for the case to be heard by the board. In the audience at the board’s meeting Wednesday night was a group of residents of the mobile home park, who indicated they were at the meeting to object to the application and speak on how the park is being operated.

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The residents said they heard about the application from Shorebeat and did not receive notice that the meeting was going to take place. Normally, anyone who lives within 200 feet of a project heard by the board must legally be served with a notice of what has been proposed and when the meeting will take place.

Mobile home park tenants, however, are not property owners so notice is not provided, said Sean Kinneavy, the township’s zoning officer.

Morris will have to advertise the date of the rescheduled hearing in a legal notice published in a newspaper.

The proposed development includes a 5,051 square foot convenience store and associated gas facility, a 4,535 square foot bank, a 7,182 square foot commercial building including a 3,000 square foot, 160 seat restaurant, and a 9,288 square foot daycare center. The project will also include a total of 135 parking spaces and the replacement of an existing gravel road network within the mobile home park area.