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Brick Salutes Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla on Anniversary

Members of Brick US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 16-05. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Members of Brick US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 16-05. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Members of the Brick Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla have been keeping local waters safe for 50 years, and were recently honored by the Brick Township Council.

“They have been dedicated to our community in Brick, but also in all of Ocean County,” said Mayor John Ducey, explaining that Flotilla 16-05 began in Island Heights and moved to Brick in 1980 as it was expanding.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary consists of more than 1,000 flotillas around the country, staffed by volunteers who hold boating classes and perform boat inspections, safety patrols, attendance at community events and cooperation with local law enforcement and Coast Guard members to supplement manpower on the water.

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“We’re always working with the Brick police department to help out,” said Flotilla Commander Terry Bearce.

July 13 was declared “Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 16-05 Day” in Brick by Ducey.

For more information on the flotilla, visit its website.

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