A property manager at a residence on Squankum Road discovered a decomposing body in a nearby home after being alerted to a foul odor by employees of an adjacent business, authorities said Friday.
The discovery was made Thursday night after 8 p.m., according to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office.
“When the property manager made entry into the unsecured abandoned residence, he saw what he believed to be a deceased person,” said Al Della Fave, spokesman for the prosecutor’s office.
Lakewood police, the prosecutor’s office and the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department all responded to the residence at 8:32 p.m., Della Fave said. The male decedent was located in a bedroom in a state of moderate to severe decomposition.
Della Fave said there were no obvious signs of outward trauma or foul play noted.
A physician with the Ocean County Medical Examiner’s Office pronounced the man dead at 10:23 p.m., at which time the body was removed to Community Medical Center pending a post-mortem examination.
“A canvas of the neighborhood revealed that there were a few squatters seen in the area,” Della Fave said in a statement. “Most recently, the deceased was observed in the last two weeks at the residence. The residence was secured pending the outcome of the autopsy.”

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