Brick Township Memorial High School (Photo: Daniel Nee)
Five Brick Township schools will have new, secure doors installed.
The Board of Education on Thursday night awarded a contract to a company that will install new doors at Brick Memorial High School, Lake Riviera Middle School, Drum Point Elementary School, Herbertsville Elementary School and Veterans Memorial Elementary School.
The contract was awarded to C&M Doors of Woodbridge, for $675,920. The project is being funded 60 percent by the district and 40 percent through ROD (Regular Operating District) grants from the state.
In related news, the board rejected bids that would have culminated in a contract to replace windows at eight of the district’s schools because all of the bids were over budget for the project. Board member Larry Reid said the bids were over budget by $1 million, mainly because of a specific way the bid was structured to purchase the same windows that were previously installed at Brick Township High School. The board’s facilities committee, he said, will likely re-bid the project.