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Brick Township Commemorates Sept. 11, Honors Victims From Town

Brick Township held its annual Sept. 11 memorial ceremony and candlelight vigil Thursday, 13 years after the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people and propelled the United States into war.

Eight victims of the attacks were from Brick, all of whom died in the World Trade Center in New York City.

Thursday’s ceremony at Windward Beach Park included remarks from local officials, prayers by several local clergy members and a reading of the names of each of Brick Township’s victims, followed by the playing of Taps. Each person who attended was given a candle, and at the end of the ceremony, all of the candles were lit and placed in a box next to the Angel in Anguish monument that includes each victims’ name.

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The video above captures many aspects of the ceremony. A number of photos can be seen below.


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