Brick police are joining a national effort in getting out the word about Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day, which is being recognized on Friday.
“Motorists in New Jersey and throughout the nation are asked to join a day-long effort on October 10, 2014, designed to increase awareness about safe driving behaviors and keep the State’s roadways fatality free for one-day,” the police department said in a statement.
Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day was designed to “unite the country in moving toward zero fatalities for one full day,” the statement said, by encouraging motorists to obey all traffic laws, including buckling up during every ride, driving the posted speed limit, avoiding distractions while driving and always being safe and sober behind the wheel.
“Our goal is to experience a day when all roadway users are extra vigilant and there are no fatalities on our roadway,” the statement said.
To support the effort, the township council this week passed a resolution in support of Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day, and Mayor John Ducey declared it as an official day in Brick.
Last year in New Jersey, 542 individuals lost their lives in motor vehicle-related crashes, down from 589 in 2012, officials said. The decline continues a downward trend in motor vehicle fatalities, and in 2013 New Jersey recorded the lowest number of motor vehicle related deaths in the state since the 1940s.
“Clearly, this effort will go a long way in our continuing efforts to stem the tide of tragedies that occur every day on New Jersey’s roadways,” Brick Police Sgt. David Bedrosian, the department’s traffic safety officer, said. “Shining the spotlight on this one day can help create a groundswell of support for good driving behaviors that can carry over throughout the year.”
Additional information on the “Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day” is available by logging on to