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Superstorm Sandy

Sandy Grant Seminar to be Held in Brick Next Week, Toms River on Wednesday

Homes being rebuilt in the Normandy Beach section of Brick Township. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Homes being rebuilt in the Normandy Beach section of Brick Township. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Staff from the state Department of Community Affairs will hold a Housing Assistance Seminar Oct. 8 in Toms River and Oct. 14 in Brick in order to assist local residents with questions about the RREM (Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Elevation, and Mitigation) grant program, under which primary residents whose houses were damaged by the storm can receive up to $150,000.

Representatives from the DCA’s Sandy Recovery Division, Housing Recovery Centers, and RREM Program Managers, will be present to answer specific questions about the New Jersey RREM Program.

“RREM applicants recently approved for funding who are unsure of the implications of their newly funded status will be able to receive answers for their general questions,” a statement on the program said. “The goal is to assist homeowners through the grant process and understand the role of the RREM Project Manager, who will work with the homeowner to provide details and offer technical assistance for the completion of the homeowner’s scope of work to ensure it complies with RREM construction standards.”

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DCA representatives will sit down with residents, one-on-one, to focus on specific questions. They will help identify homeowners’ needs, such as building and zoning questions or a historic preservation concern and a DCA staff member will go over homeowners’ files to provide more focused, personal help.

The seminar will be held Wednesday, Oct. 8, from 4-7 pm in the Toms River Council Meeting Room, 33 Washington Street, Toms River. The Brick seminar will be held at the Civic Plaza Gym, 270 Chambers Bridge Road, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 4-7 p.m.

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