The intersection of Route 70 and Brick Boulevard, just after 12 noon, Monday, Jan. 26, 2015. (Photo: Daniel Nee)
Road conditions throughout Brick Township began to deteriorate by about 1 p.m. Monday as slushy spots began to freeze with temperatures hovering at – and just below – the freezing mark.
Traffic was still moving well, albeit a bit slow, on the township’s major roads, but icy spots were beginning to form around curves and on overpasses. The travel lanes of major roads such as Route 70 and Brick Boulevard remained clear.
Brick schools had already closed by early afternoon Tuesday. The Ocean County Library system closed all its branches at 1 p.m.
Computer tracking models – specifically, the NAM model, which previously predicted lesser amounts of snow for the Jersey Shore – released in the early afternoon Monday shifted the storm a bit to the west. The models seemed to more closely align with forecasted snowfall totals of 20 inches or more in northern and central Ocean County.
The official forecast called for 18-24 inches of snow to fall in northern Ocean County, though the National Weather Service’s office in Mount Holly said it would release updated snowfall forecast totals at about 4 p.m.