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Cops: Lakewood Woman, 66, Died Walking Home, Two Doors Away

The Lakewood, N.J. police shield.

The Lakewood, N.J. police shield.

Authorities say a Lakewood woman died while attempting to walk home from a neighbor’s house, two doors away, early Sunday morning.

The woman, Olivia Benito, 66, was found at 7:04 a.m. Sunday morning by the neighbor, who last saw Benito alive after midnight when she left the David’s Court townhouse, said Al Della Fave, spokesman for the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office. The neighbor found Benito face-down in the snow, next to her car when she went out to clear snow Sunday morning.

According to Della Fave, the deceased woman and her neighbor had both attended an event at the Lakewood Elks lodge that night, then stopped at the neighbor’s house afterward. “A number” of drinks were consumed in that time period, Della Fave said. Benito’s husband, he said, was under the impression that his wife decided to sleep at the neighbor’s house.

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The preliminary investigation found no outward signs of trauma or foul play at this time,” Della Fave said.

Lakewood police, the prosecutor’s office and the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department are awaiting the results of an autopsy by the county medical examiner’s office before making a final determination in the investigation Della Fave said.

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