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One Detour Lifted, Another Announced On Route 35

A detour in Mantoloking announced Feb. 2. (Credit: Google Maps)

A detour in Mantoloking announced Feb. 2. (Credit: Google Maps)

A roadblock that caused headaches on Route 35 for the better part of the past two months has been lifted, just in time for another detour to be announced.

Work just south of Herbert Street, the road which leads to Route 35 from the Mantoloking Bridge has been completed. On the highway just south of the bridge, one lane had been blocked since the fall, necessitating a long wait at an automated red light as opposing traffic moved through the roadway. That blockage has now been lifted and traffic can freely turn right onto Route 35 south after coming over the Mantoloking Bridge from the mainland.

But on Monday, state officials announced a new detour. Starting Monday, the intersection of Barnegat Lane and Lyman Street in Mantoloking has closed for approximately two weeks to accommodate utility work related to the Route 35 highway reconstruction project.

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The highway itself was not listed in the state traffic advisory as being closed or detoured. The intersection of Barnegat and Lyman will be closed to all through traffic while the work is being completed.

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