Snow, March 5, 2015. (Photo: Daniel Nee)
Mayor John Ducey said in a statement that plows began operating in the township at 1 p.m. since 4 inches of snow had fallen.
The township currently has 78 pieces of equipment working to clear municipally-owned roadways, he said.
Township plows are responsible for plowing roads under the jurisdiction of the municipal government. State highways, such as routes 70, 88 and 35, are plowed by the state Department of Transportation. Likewise, county roads such as Brick Boulevard, Mantoloking Road and Herbertsville Road – plus many others – are plowed by the Ocean County Road Department.
At a recent township council meeting, Councilman Jim Fozman said, on average, it takes township crews approximately 15 hours to plow every street in town. At the first pass, a single lane is plowed to allow emergency vehicles to pass through. Then the plows return and clear the rest of the street.