A project two years in the making aimed at greatly improving pedestrian access on two major Brick roads is finally coming to fruition.
The $600,000 project, funded through a state Safe Routes to School grant, includes the construction of more than 2 miles of sidewalks on Midstreams and Lanes Mill roads near the Midstreams and Herbertsville elementary schools.
“We’re hitting two different sections of town and two different schools in town,” said Mayor John Ducey.
First announced in 2013, township officials voted earlier this year to extend the grant funding for the project in hopes of obtaining additional funding. On Tuesday night, the township council voted unanimously to put the entire project out to bid.
Under the project, sidewalks will be installed on Midstreams Road from Suburban Drive to Colonial Drive on both sides. On Lanes Mill Road, sidewalks will be installed from Kirk Lane to New York Avenue on the north side. The project also includes the installation of three roadway crossings with illuminated signs at Kirk Lane, Sawmill Road and Herbertsville Elementary School along Lanes Mill.
Additionally, included in the project are improved lane markings and better crosswalks, Ducey said.