A Brick Township 7-year-old’s lemonade stand fundraiser last weekend for the K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital was a resounding success thanks to the generosity of township residents, his mother told Shorebeat on Monday.
David Torres, a second grader, decided to hold the fundraiser – at which he sold lemonade, hot chocolate, donuts and cookies outside his house – after learning about helping others during the Brick school district’s “Week of Respect” last week. His mother, Kristina Torres, sent a flyer about the event to Shorebeat, and after it was published online, township residents came en masse to the family’s Clay Avenue home to show their support.
“It was amazing,” Kristina Torres said. “We had random people just driving up and donating.”
Mayor John Ducey, two council members as well as some of David’s teachers came out, as well as township police officers who stopped by.
When all was said and done, David raised $703, and is still planning a second fundrasier later this month.
“We are so proud of him,” Kristina Torres said, reiterating the fact that David came up with the idea without help from she or her husband.
For the second fundraiser, David will once again set up his lemonade stand, but this time his Taekwondo instructor has volunteered his business as the venue. It will be held at the US Taekwondo Center located in Drum Point Plaza on Drum Point Road Oct. 24 – the times will be forthcoming in a future announcement. The goal, Kristina Torres said, is to raise $1,000 total for the hospital. The donations will be delivered to the hospital in person by David, who hopes to meet some of the hospital’s patients while he is there.