The Stakes: Eight candidates will vie for four seats on the seven-member Brick Township Council and 12 candidates are competing to fill four seats on the Board of Education in Tuesday’s election. The translation for Brick residents: control of both bodies, which determine the fate of more than $250 million in combined tax dollars each year, are up for grabs.
The Polls: Ocean County polling places open at 6 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Brick Township polling places can be found here, or on the sample ballot that was mailed out to all voters.
The Coverage: Brick Shorebeat will have live election coverage all night long, with reaction from the winners and those who were defeated. We will post results as they come in, and keep everyone updated on any last-minute surprises (if any pop up) during the day or night.
The Candidates: Shorebeat provided each candidate for council and school board a forum to tell voters about themselves and answer some of the top questions on the minds of Brick voters this year. Nearly all replied. Their responses can be read below.
[one_half]Council Candidates (In Ballot Order)[/one_half][one_half_last]BOE Candidates (In Ballot Order)
Three Year Term
- Leonard Figula (Candidate did not respond to profile request.)
- John Lamela
- Stephanie Wohlrab
- Madeline Colagiovanni-Iannarone
- Victoria Pakala
- Victor Finamore
- David Fischer
- Larry Reid
- Lois Turner
One Year Term
- John Talty
- George White (Candidate did not respond to profile request.)


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