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Brick Council to Meet Tuesday, Consider Bond Refunding Measure

The Brick Township municipal complex. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The Brick Township municipal complex. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The Brick Township council will consider a bond refunding ordinance, vote on a new alternate planning board member and consider a number of other more routine resolutions at its meeting Tuesday.

The bond refunding ordinance refers to borrowing that has already been completed – in this case, $32.8 million in bonds from 2009. The outstanding principle, $18.4 million, will effectively be refinanced for the purpose of obtaining a lower interest rate, similar in context to a home mortgage refinancing.

The ordinance will be considered on first reading.

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The council will also vote on the appointment of Carl Anderson, a Collins Court resident, to become an alternate member of the Board of Adjustment. Other measures up for a vote include a liquor license transfer to a new owner of the former Riverwatch (Pilot House) restaurant and a contract for veterinary services for the coming year.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex and will, as always, include a general comment portion for members of the public.