One of Brick Mayor John Ducey’s goals for 2016 is to boost community spirit and pride in Brick Township – and on Jan. 1, he kicked off a campaign to create a a #BrickProud hashtag that residents can use.
Ducey said at the township council’s reorganization meeting on Friday that he is encouraging residents to post photos of Brick Township’s people, places, sports teams and anything else that makes them proud to live in Brick. By using the #BrickProud hashtag, other social media users will be able to more easily see those posts.
Hashtags work on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
“This campaign is about Brick Township and what makes this town great and it is our hope that #BrickProud is everywhere in 2016,” said Ducey.
Ducey said plans are underway for promotions for #BrickProud including photo and selfie contests, video contests and more.