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Brick Police Welcome New K9 to the Force

Officer John Turrin and K9 Vader. (Photo: Brick Twp. Police)

Officer John Turrin and K9 Vader. (Photo: Brick Twp. Police)

Brick Township Police Officer John Turrin and his canine partner, Vader, graduated from the New Jersey State Police Academy Friday in Hamilton, the department announced.

The school qualified the pair for the detection of ammunition, explosives and bombs. Turrin began his training in March and concluded Friday with graduation. Chief James Riccio, along with the Brick Township Police K9 Division, attended the graduation.

The entire cost for the training, vehicle and the purchase of canine Vader were cover by a grant from Homeland Security, Sgt. Neal Pedersen said.

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Turrin will be assigned to the patrol division.

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