Rotary 2016-2017 Officers, Treas. Carol Daniels, Sec. Dr. Fred Nirschl, Vice-P. Arlene Schwartz and Pres. Gene-Ann Pesano
The Brick Morning Rotary Club is one of the township’s collective unsung heroes, dedicating countless man-hours every year to serving their fellow residents.
This year, the group is celebrating numerous achievements.
In a non-profit world of declining membership, and reduced community involvement, the Club continues to fill their schedule with successful, fun and worthy projects benefitting their local and world communities.
The Brick Morning Rotary Club, serving the Brick Community since 1994, began the year with donations of dictionaries to two local Parochial schools, sponsored an extraordinary student in the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy, and awarded four $1000 scholarships to students from the Brick High Schools, and MATES of Ocean County Vocational Technical School.
With the help of the Brick Afternoon Rotary, the club sponsored two blood drives. Three well-organized and highly successful town-wide food drives, in October, November and April, helped to stock local food banks and support multiple families for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. In excess of $30,000 of food was collected as well as monetary donations.
The annual Chocolate and Comedy night in February was the BEST ever. Profits from this event supported Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore, Boy Scouts Jersey Shore Council, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ocean County, The Foodbank of Monmouth and Ocean, Catholic Charities, Jersey Shore Animal Center, Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey, and several other local charities.
Internationally, the club supported Rotary Programs with Paul Harris donations that will benefit the eradication of polio, contributed to the creation of potable water in third world countries, supported the Gift of Life Foundation benefitting children in need of life-saving medical services and participated in the distribution of disaster relief materials through ShelterBox in Nepal.
New club President, Gene-Ann Pesano, looks forward to leading the club in its 23rd year. “The work of this dedicated group makes me so proud. I am truly privileged to lead them and look forward to another successful year, supporting the needs of our local and international communities.,” said Ms. Pesano.
The club meets each Wednesday morning at the Brick Diner at 7:30AM, and welcomes guests and prospective members for fellowship and breakfast.