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Brick PD: Tuesday’s The Day for GSP Interchange 91 Opening

Ocean County's plan for Parkway Interchange 91 in Brick. (Photo: Ocean County Department of Engineering)

Ocean County’s plan for Parkway Interchange 91 in Brick. (Photo: Ocean County Department of Engineering)

The new Garden State Parkway interchange 91 will open Tuesday, according to police, a few days after the state publicly announced a target date for the opening.

Eleven years in the making, the project will open up both entrances and exits to the northbound and southbound lanes of the highway. Previously, there was just a northbound entrance and southbound exit.

But most importantly for Brick residents, the entire traffic pattern of the area surrounding the interchange will be vastly different from what residents are used to. The department said officers will be on hand the first day to help direct traffic.

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According to the police department, on Tuesday, several traffic lights will be activated, including:

  • -Stephan Road/Lanes Mill Road.
  • Herborn Avenue Extension/Lanes Mill Road.
  • Herborn Avenue/Burnt Tavern Road.
  • Burnt Tavern Road/Lanes Mill Road/Garden State Parkway ramp.

Though more lights are being added to the area, county officials have told Shorebeat that they will be timed so traffic will actually move more quickly through the intersections.

“Drivers are cautioned to be alert for new traffic patterns and construction workers,” the police department said in a statement.

The new exit from Parkway North will be known as the “Herbertsville” exit.

The project included:

  • A new northbound entrance ramp from Burnt Tavern Road and Lanes Mill Road, with access to the park-and-ride lot on the east side of the Parkway.
  • A second northbound entrance ramp for vehicles traveling eastbound on Burnt Tavern Road. This ramp will allow access from Burrsville Road. The single existing northbound ramp will be eliminated.
  • New northbound exit and entrance ramps linking the Parkway and Burrsville Road.
  • A new southbound entrance ramp for traffic heading west on Burnt Tavern Road.
  • A second southbound entrance ramp linking Lanes Mill Road with the Parkway. Herborn Avenue will be extended south and east to Lanes Mill Road, where it will meet the new entrance ramp and a signaled intersection.