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Brick Will Allow Microbreweries in Certain Areas of Town

A beer glass on top of a bar. (Photo: Ruocaled/Flickr)

A beer glass on top of a bar. (Photo: Ruocaled/Flickr)

Brick residents who want to see a microbrewery come to town may soon get their wish, following a move by the township council this week to allow the businesses in a number of zones.

Ocean County is already home to several microbreweries, including those in Toms River, Lacey Township and soon Seaside Heights. Brick’s zoning code, developed before the microbrewery trend took off, did not include allowances in any of its zones, which would have made opening such a business more costly since it would have to be approved by the Board of Adjustment with a use variance.

This week, the council introduced an ordinance that would allow microbreweries in the township’s B-2 and B-3 business zones, as well as the M-1 industrial zone. Industrial zones have become unlikely homes to brewers, including the Backward Flag Brewery, which is located in Lacey Township’s industrial park.

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Mayor John Ducey said the township code will allow for microbreweries that brew 15,000 barrels per year or less. The limit is to prevent a brewery from becoming a “distribution site,” Ducey said.

In order to be enacted, the ordinance will be subject to a public hearing followed by a second vote, planned for the next council meeting.