Brick official are expected to vote on a measure Tuesday night clarifying the township’s ordinance governing the use of parks and other facilities by groups for events.
The current ordinance requires a fee be paid to use the park, but does not go into great detail as to which groups of people are expected to apply for a permit and pay the fee.
The revision states that any gathering of 15 people are more are considered to be a “group” including both corporate and nonprofit entities. If they wish to hold an event at any of the township’s parks, public beaches or Traders Cove Marina, they must first apply and pay a fee, plus provide a refundable maintenance fee of $100.
The measure, up for first reading at Tuesday night’s meeting, also clarifies another ordinance to make the “group” law apply to playing fields and other sporting facilities. Groups and teams that already have a lease agreement with the township to use fields are excepted.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex.