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Interchange 91 Entrance, Exit Ramps Expected to Open Thursday and Friday

A yet-to-be-opened entrance to the Garden State Parkway at interchange 91 in Brick. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

A yet-to-be-opened entrance to the Garden State Parkway at interchange 91 in Brick. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

A new entrance ramp to the Garden State Parkway’s northbound lanes in Brick will open Thursday, and an exit from the northbound Parkway onto Burrsville Road is expected to open in the early morning hours Friday, Ocean County officials said this week.

“The extensive work at Interchange 91 in Brick Township is drawing to a close,” said Ocean County Freeholder Jack Kelly. “It’s important motorists are aware that these changes are being implemented. We anticipate the project to be complete by month’s end.”

Changes also will include closure of the existing northbound Garden State Parkway ramp on Burnt Tavern Road and the traffic signal at Burnt Tavern Road and Dave Reid Road will be deactivated and removed. Once this ramp is closed it will not be reopened, officials said. Motorists entering the northbound Parkway will need to use the new ramp.

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The entrance ramp is expected to be opened during the day Thursday. The exit ramp is scheduled to open at approximately 3 a.m. Friday morning.

Signage will be posted along north and southbound Burrsville Road and eastbound Burnt Tavern Road instructing drivers to use the new northbound entrance ramps. Westbound Burnt Tavern Road drivers are encouraged to use the new northbound entrance ramp on Lanes Mill Road that was opened Aug. 10.

“On Aug. 30 we expect construction of Lanes Mill Road and Burnt Tavern Road to be completed and the final signal configuration is expected to be activated,” said Kelly, liaison to the Ocean County Engineering Department. Upon completion of this work, Interchange 91 will be in its final configuration.

There will be some additional closeout work in the area, including lights and landscaping.

The project was designed and led by the county, with some state and federal funding. Previously, interchange 91 had allowed only northbound vehicles to enter the Parkway, while only southbound traffic could exit.

“The improvements are expected to increase the level of performance on the roadway now and 20 years into the future,” Kelly said.

Once completed the project will provide:

  • A new northbound entrance ramp from Burnt Tavern Road and Lanes Mill Road, with access to the Park-N-Ride lot on the east side of the Parkway.
  • A second northbound entrance ramp for vehicles traveling eastbound on Burnt Tavern Road. This ramp will also allow access from Burrsville Road. The single existing northbound ramp will be eliminated.
  • A new northbound exit ramp linking the Parkway and Burrsville Road.
  • A new southbound entrance ramp for traffic heading west on Burnt Tavern Road.
  • A second southbound entrance ramp linking Lanes Mill Road with the Parkway. Herborn Avenue would be extended south and east to Lanes Mill Road, where it would meet the new entrance ramp at a signaled intersection.
  • Southbound Parkway traffic could exit at the existing ramp or continue under the Burnt Tavern Road Bridge and use a new ramp that will link with Lanes Mill Road at a second new signaled interchange.