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Brick Students ‘Fill a Bus’ to Help Hurricane Victims

The Brick school district has hosted a “fill the bus” initiative, focused on helping students in areas affected by recent hurricanes head back to school.

All week long, families have been sending in bags and boxes of essential items to donate to “our friends down south,” a statement from the school district said.

At every elementary school in Brick, the donation boxes have been filling up with supplies, thanks to the enthusiasm of Building Principals, Staff, PTAs, PTOs and the generosity of the students’ families. The district will then partner with OnCourse Systems, a private company, to send the items that were listed on the “Fill the Bus” flyer that was circulated, including dish soap, bug spray, face masks, diapers and wipes, comfort kits, pencils, pens, notebooks and backpacks.

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“It is with our best wishes that we send all of these supplies and we will also be sure to keep those affected in our hearts and thoughts,” the district’s elementary school principals jointly stated.

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