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BOE Changes Date of Proposed School Referendum

New Jersey voting booth. (File Photo)

New Jersey voting booth. (File Photo)

Brick school officials updated an board meeting agenda Thursday morning, switching the date of a proposed bond referendum to the same date as the general election.

The original version of the agenda listed the potential referendum vote as Oct. 2, 2018, just four weeks before the Nov. 6 general election. The same referendum date proposal stirred controversy in neighboring Toms River, with residents questioning the need to expend money to hold a special election so close to the general election and whether holding a vote a month earlier could suppress turnout.

Original Agenda:
Updated Agenda:

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The agenda was updated with a new date with no explanation, however the board is now expected to provide a presentation that will give an “overview of proposed referendum” along with a budget presentation.

The board meeting begins at 7 p.m. Thursday night in the Professional Development Center, located adjacent to the board’s administrative offices on Hendrickson Avenue.

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