Brick’s “green team” is planning a home energy information forum which will provide tips on how the save on energy bills and help the environment.
The information session will be held May 17 at 7 p.m. at Civic Plaza, 270 Chambers Bridge Road. Homes, an announcement about the event said, are significant consumers of energy in New Jersey, accounting for 24 percent of annual statewide energy use. Energy-based improvements reduce energy consumption, energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
To address the issue, the Sustainable Brick Committee (affectionately known as the volunteer “Green Team”) and the Brick Township Environmental Commission are hosting the forum for residents.
Attendees will learn how to:
- Save energy and money in your home.
- Make your whole house energy-efficient.
- Take advantage of rebates and financing incentives that are available to make energy efficiency upgrades.
Presentations will include:
- The New Jersey Clean Energy Home Performance with Energy Star program.
- The New Jersey Clean Energy Comfort Partners program.
- The New Jersey Natural Gas Save Green program.
- How a detailed home energy audit solves comfort issues, addresses health and safety issues, such as poor indoor air quality and drafts.
- The value of insulation levels.
- The energy efficiency of heating and cooling systems.
- How to improve comfort and energy efficiency of your home.
There is no obligation to sign up for any of the programs that will be presented.
