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Shore Environment

Brick Beach III Has a New Look, Brick Beach I to Close for Replenishment

Brick Beach III has begun to take on the characteristics of a replenished beach now that the pumping of sand has largely been completed. But for beachgoers who prefer Beach I, a temporary move will be necessary.

“The south end of town is completed,” Mayor John Ducey said this week.

Pumping and beachfill have now moved south to Toms River’s portion of the Normandy Beach section and northward to the area in between Brick Beaches I and III. Two separate dredge boats are being used at once. Ducey said 6th, 7th and 8th avenues in Brick’s Normandy Beach portion still need to be built.

Meanwhile, Brick Beach III has started to take its permanent shape. A new entrance boardwalk has been built, replacing the sand mats that used to be present, and the signature of an engineered beach – a diagonally-angled entrance with dune bother in front of, and behind, the walkway – has been built. The dune grass that will eventually anchor the dune and protect the shoreline’s integrity will be planted during the fall growing season.

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Within Brick, the pumping has switched north of Brick Beach III to an area in between beaches one and two.

“From Beach II to the north, there is going to be a 1,000 foot work zone that will close up to Beach 1,” said Ducey. Within the 1,000 foot work zone, about 300 feet of beachfront is completed daily, allowing beaches to be closed only for a few days at a time. Beach I was still open on Wednesday.

Ducey said the entirety of Brick’s oceanfront is scheduled to be completed Aug. 16, but anticipated delays for weather and maintenance would likely push the date back to late August.

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