Brick Republicans will run a full slate of candidates to increase their margins on the township council.
Four seats, which would constitute a majority, are up for election this year. Currently, the council is controlled by the Democrats by a 6-1 margin. It had been all-Democratic until Councilman Jim Fozman switched his party affiliation. Fozman will run with the Republicans in November.
Fozman will be joined by Victoria Chadwick, of Woodpark Drive, Max Flores of Altier Avenue, and Neil Napolitano, of Birch Drive. Chadwick ran unsuccessfully for council as part of a GOP slate in 2013, while Flores and Napolitano are newcomers.
Longtime Brick GOP operative Al Cartine will retake his role as campaign manager. Previously, retired state Sen. Andrew Ciesla managed a Brick municipal campaign where Republicans did not make any gains.
“He will be proud to be in position to lead this team to victory this November,” said John Catalano, president of the Brick Township Republican Club.


Warehouse Seeks Expansion on Drum Point Road