Democrats are looking to hold on to the majority they have enjoyed on the Brick Township council since the 2011, and will support three incumbents plus one newcomer in this year’s election.
Council members Andrea Zapcic, the current council president, Art Halloran and Lisa Crate will run to retain their seats on the governing body. They will be joined by Vincent Minichino, a Teamsters leader who was added to the ticket to replace Councilman Jim Fozman, who switched parties and is running as part of the Republican slate this year. Though he is not up for re-election this year, Mayor John Ducey, a fellow Democrat, has lent his support – and his name – to the team.
“I look forward to continuing our successful efforts, with a supportive council team, to stabilize property taxes and to bring new businesses into Brick,” said Ducey, who has focused his administration’s goals on lowering debt and promoting the township’s business community.
Democrats have won every town-wide election in Brick since 2011 and no Republican has won a seat since. Fozman, who switched parties, is the only GOP representative on the council.
“We have kept taxes stable while bringing new initiatives into town, such as the weekly Farmer’s Market in the summer and the Buy in Brick program,” said Zapcic. “We want to keep making Brick better.”
Minichino, 53, previously ran unsuccessfully for Ocean County freeholder. According to an interview with Micromedia Publications, he is employed as a business agent and trustee for Teamsters Local 469, based in Monmouth County. He has volunteered as a coach, Scout leader and is a member of the American Legion Motorcycle Riders Association.


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