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Brick Awards Contracts for Repaving of Six Roads Around Town

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

Brick Township officials have awarded two contracts that will cover the repavement, sidewalk repairs, drainage improvements and street-end ramps for six roads township-wide.

The township council awarded two contracts at its meeting last week. The first, a $239,984 contract to Meco Inc., will cover the work on Brower Drive.

A separate contract, in which Meco was likewise the low bidder, in the amount of $718,520 will cover the improvements on five “isolated roads.”

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Mayor John Ducey started the isolated road improvement program last year after residents came to the town with a frequent problem. In normal practice, the township awards contracts to pave large roads or several roads within a neighborhood all at once. But in some neighborhoods, the bulk of streets will be in good condition while one road in particular has deteriorated.

“The answer always was, ‘well, the rest of the neighborhood’s looking good so you’re just going to have to wait,'” Ducey said.

The township’s answer was to start the isolated road program, which groups all of those types of roads together. This year’s roads set to be repaved are: Baywood Boulevard, Sudbury Road, West Granada Drive, Van Note Drive and North Drive.

Meco was the low bidder on both projects. The highest bids were $406,000 for the Brower Drive project and $1,026,000 for the five isolated roads.

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