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Ocean County Will Try Again for Grant Funding to Improve Brick Blvd. Traffic

Beaverson Boulevard to Church Road in Brick and Toms River. (Credit: Google Maps)

Beaverson Boulevard to Church Road in Brick and Toms River. (Credit: Google Maps)

The Ocean County engineer said a grant application for funding to study the traffic patterns on Brick Boulevard between Beaverson Boulevard in Brick and Church Road in Toms River will be resubmitted for 2020.

Members of the county freeholder board have long requested a roadmap for a potential project to improve what has become a significant traffic bottleneck along the border between Brick and Toms River.

“That area needs to be fully studied,” said County Engineer John Ernst.

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Ernst’s office submitted a grant proposal for the portion of the county road to be studied last year, but a federal panel did not select Ocean County’s application for funding. The study would focus on preventing accidents by improving traffic flow.

“We put it in for a safety project and were denied,” said Ernst. “We’re putting it in next year for another grant opportunity.”

Officials said the project is needed as the county continues to grow. Freeholder Joe Vicari suggested a start could be better timing coordination between traffic lights in the two towns.

“The traffic signal from Beaverson Boulevard, all the way down to Church Road, is a mess,” Vicari said.