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Brick to Repave Roads, Improve Drainage in Neighborhood Near Parkway

The Parkway Pines neighborhood. (Credit: Google Maps)

The Parkway Pines neighborhood. (Credit: Google Maps)

The Brick Township council this week approved a projected to repave streets and improve conditions in a neighborhood that has experienced much change in recent years following Garden State Parkway construction.

The $301,579 contract, awarded to Meco Inc., will include paving and drainage improvements and the rehabilitation of the existing drainage system. The work will be completed in the Parkway Pines neighborhood.

The streets covered under the project are: Stephan Road between Burnt Tavern Road and Lanes Mill Road; and Neil Ave from Burnt Tavern to Stephan Road.

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Officials said seven bids, ranging from the low bid which was received by Meco, to $497,315, were submitted.

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