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Brick Proposal Would Allow Outdoor Storage Trailers in Business Zones, Village Zone

An 8-by-40 foot storage/job site trailer. (Photo: eBay)

An 8-by-40 foot storage/job site trailer. (Photo: eBay)

A proposed modification to Brick Township’s land use code would allow businesses located inside business zones and the newly-created “Village Zone” to keep storage trailers on their properties.

The ordinance would allow businesses located in Village Zone, as well as all of the business zones of the township (B1, B2, B3, B4, OP, OPT, Hospital Support) to host outdoor equipment storage or trailers by applying for a permit to do so. Businesses that currently have such trailers illegally parked on their properties will be able to legitimize their presence by filling out a conditional use form with the township’s building department.

The main driver behind the proposed ordinance change, however, is the Village Zone. The zone was created along the Herbertsville Road, Drum Point Road and Mantoloking Road corridors in order to spur mixed-use growth in the business and residential sectors and related modern development. The prohibition on keeping trailers outdoors has been an issue, officials said.

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“The intent was to keep permitted uses less intense than many current non-conforming uses such as construction yards and mechanics’ shops so close to residential zones,” said Council President Lisa Crate.

While the township’s zoning officer, Christopher Romano, told members of the township council’s Land Use Committee that he prefers to limit uses in the Village Zone, adding outdoor equipment storage in a regulated fashion would not negatively affect the township’s master plan.

“He feels it would not be a nuisance to the residential homes if the exterior storage component was controlled by ordinance,” said Crate. “Permitting a designated area, size based on percentage of the lot where outside storage is permitted, would allow for uses that currently cannot be there.”

Under an ordinance that was introduced last week and will come before the council for a public hearing and second vote next month, businesses with under 60,000 square feet of property would be able to keep one, 8-by-40 foot trailer on their property, representing 2 percent of the property’s area. Businesses with more than 60,000 square foot properties would be able to keep two trailers of the same size. Storage trailers are already permitted in the township’s M1 zone.

“Many of the businesses that have been interested in the Village Zone properties are contractors – landscapers and other service-style business that rely on exterior storage for equipment,” explained Crate.

The ordinance would allow for land-use staff at town hall to approve trailers and sheds through the conditionally-exempt site plan process, which is completed in-house and does not require an appearance before the planning board, officials said.

The public hearing and final vote on the ordinance is scheduled for the council’s April 13 meeting, which begins at 7 p.m.

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