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Brick Seeking Bids for Repaving of Bay Harbor Neighborhood

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

Brick Township’s first bid solicitation for the 2021 road repaving program will focus on the Bay Harbor neighborhood, officials said Tuesday.

“Now that the asphalt plants are opened up, we can go out to bid and get some roads paved for our residents,” said Mayor John Ducey.

The Bay Harbor neighborhood is located roughly behind the shopping plaza that bears its name – east of Brick Boulevard and Old Hooper Avenue – and flanked by Barnegat Bay.

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The township council voted unanimously to solicit bids for repaving and drainage improvements on Van Cortlandt Drive, Marilyn Drive, Shay Lane and Aida Way.

When the bids are received, the township will choose the lowest qualified bidder to complete the work. The construction schedule will be determined after a contract is awarded and residents will be notified by mail or door hangers.