Brick Township Councilman Paul Mummolo was appointed as a commissioner of the Brick Township Municipal Utilities Authority this week by his fellow council members in a unanimous vote.
Mummolo, who did not seek re-election this year and will leave office Dec. 31, was appointed to fill an unexpired term vacated by Michael Blandina, who was elected to the Board of Education last year. Blandina’s term would have expired Jan. 22, 2022. Mummolo’s term will likewise expire on the same date. At that time, the council will be tasked with either appointing a commissioner for a full term – whether it is Mummolo or another candidate.
BTMUA commissioners oversee Brick Township’s water and sewerage authority and vote on matters such as capital projects, rate schedules and other administrative matters at regular meetings. While commissioners are appointed by the township council, the BTMUA is considered a separate legal entity from Brick’s municipal government and operates largely autonomously.