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Ocean County

From Ocean to Bay, Shore Birds Soar Away at The Shore, Even in January


We take sea gulls for granted. Sometimes (well, oftentimes) they are the subject of derision. Invaders of our beach bags, burglars of our barbecues, and soilers of our sidewalks. But sometimes these “rats with wings,” to borrow a phrase from some family members, can take on their own majesty.

Perhaps it’s just the winter misery, but we’d like to think the crazy weather over the course of a single week – blizzard, freezing, warm, rain, sleet, cold – has other species suffering from their own bit of cabin fever. So when we saw gulls getting unusually wild Saturday, we figured they were just trying to stretch their wings like everyone else.

We captured a few scenes in Ortley Beach and Normandy Beach for the video.

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