A self-storage facility would replace the Berry Fresh Farms market and nursery that has been a Brick Boulevard staple for decades, according to planning documents revealed Friday.
CE Development Management, LLC, a South Carolina-based company, has applied for planning board approval to permit construction of a self-storage facility, classified as a “miniwarehouse,” at the 5.05 acre site located at 151 Brick Boulevard.
According to the plan, a three-story self-storage warehouse would be constructed at the site. The main self-storage building is proposed to use approximately 49,104 square feet of building area and 147,312 square feet of gross floor area. The project will include an entrance driveway, drive aisles, parking area, emergency fire access lane, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, and other improvements “typical of a project of this size and scope,” the notice said.
Despite the large scope of the project, few variances – all of which are minimal – are required for approval. The parcel is located within the Highway Business Zone, where such facilities are permitted as a conditional use, which the project meets. Variances are required for a parking area without a three-foot berm, utilities that must run through buffer areas, and a 60-foot front yard setback where 75-feet is normally required.
The hearing on the plan will be held at the June 8 meeting of the township planning board. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex.