The Brick Township council this week awarded a contract for a microsurfacing project in a township neighborhood that will smooth the surface and lengthen the life of the roadways.
The microsurfacing project was approved for the Lakewood Gardens neighborhood, off Jack Martin Boulevard. Microsurfacing, according to the Department of Transportation, is a “protective seal coat which extends the life of pavement.” It is a mixture of polymer-modified asphalt emulsion, well-graded high quality aggregate, mineral filler, water, and other additives. It can be used as a final riding surface or as an intermediate layer prior to a final overlay treatment.
The roads slated for microsurfacing include Albert Cucci Drive, Frank Neri Drive, Bedford Avenue, Wren Avenue, John McGuckin Drive and Joseph Byrne Drive.
The council unanimously awarded a contract to Asphalt Paving Systems, of Hammonton, N.J., for $129,576 to complete the work.