The ‘Take a Toy, Leave a Toy’ bin designed by EHY Elementary teachers and students, June 2023. (Photo: Brick Township)
Need an extra pail and shovel this season? Or do you feel like sharing your own?
A group of Brick Township students and teachers have created a “Take a Toy, Return a Toy” bin that will serve Brick Beach III this season.
The brightly-decorated toy bin was placed near the entrance to the beach last weekend by the Emma Havens Young Elementary School Early Act Club, led by advisors Ms. Soltman and Mrs. Carone. They were joined by Mayor Lisa Crate and Councilman Derrick Ambrosino for the unveiling.
Similar to the “leave a penny, take a penny” concept, kids can take toys from the bin to use on the beach and return them at the end of the day. They can also leave toys there for others to play with in the future.
“Thank you to EHY Early Act Club, Advisors Ms. Soltman and Mrs. Carone for making and donating the sand toy bin that will be used by countless children attending the beach this summer!” the township said in an announcement.