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State Traffic Laws Now Apply at 20 Brick Parking Lots

A sign exiting a private business restricts motorists to right turns only. (Photo: Shorebeat)

A sign exiting a private business restricts motorists to right turns only. (Photo: Shorebeat)

The Brick Township council last week adopted an ordinance proposed several weeks ago to extend the police department’s jurisdiction over traffic enforcement to 20 additional private parking lots in town.

Under state law, a private property owner can request their plot of land to be covered under the state traffic code. It allows police to enforce general traffic regulations as well as signage posted in the lot – essentially, everything covered under Title 39 of the state code, which is enforced on all public roadways.

After a long review process, several new properties were approved for enforcement under an ordinance introduced last month. It was formally adopted, with no objections, last week. Many of the largest, established shopping centers such as Brick Plaza and the Kohl’s plaza, already are covered. The ordinance adds 22 additional properties to the list.

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“The engineer provided the committee with a list of sites,” said Council President Heather deJong at the time of introduction, adding that township officials performed in-person inspections at each site to ensure proper signage and marking were compliant with the law.

The new properties are:

  • Auto Repair, 55 Brick Boulevard
  • Briar Mills Village (Condominiums), Briar Mills Drive
  • Cedar Gardens Apartments, 1030 Cedar Bridge Avenue
  • Crystal Point Yacht Club, 4000 River Road
  • Dunkin’ Donuts, 2026 Route 88
  • Farro’s Tees, 354 Herbertsville Road
  • Ground Hog Demolition, 128 Mantoloking Road
  • Harbor Yacht Club, 501 Route 35 South
  • Kennedy Mall (Shopping Center) and White Castle, Hooper Avenue
  • Lanes Mill Plaza (Shopping Center), 9-15 Lanes Mill Road
  • Merri-Makers, 511 Herbertsville Road
  • National Church Residences, 105 Chambers Bridge Road
  • Nobility Crest (Homeowners’ Association), Ovation Way and surrounding streets.
  • Orthodox Christian Church of the Annunciation, 360 Van Zile Road
  • Our Family Practice, 1899 Route 88
  • Pioneer Hose Fire Company, 321 Route 35
  • Professional Office Complex, 1696 Route 88
  • Royal Farms, 900 Route 70
  • Scallywags, 270 Mantoloking Road
  • Wawa/Panera Bread, 535 Route 70

The ordinance allows police to enforce all aspects of the traffic code in the parking lots, drive aisles and entrances and exists of the facilities, from issues involving crashes, to motorists making illegal turns, to cars blocking fire lanes.

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