The numbers are in – and they’re even bigger than they were earlier this week!
According to the township, 392 households will participate in this weekend’s town-wide yard sale in Brick Township, making it one of the biggest ever. More than 60 additional residents signed up to sell their unwanted treasures over the last two days since our “last-minute” article ran.
And yes, we’ve updated our map and accompanying list of addresses and highlights as to what’s for sale. Below you will be find an embedded map showing all of the homes that signed up, plus a list of all 392 locations and highlights as to what’s being sold.
It is suggested that those participating host the sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Map:
The List:
737 Point View Road | Honda lawnmower, circular and chain saws, electric leaf blower, vice grip bench, large extension ladders |
491 Alexander Avenue | Household goods, books, clothing, furniture, toys |
552 Oregon Avenue | Garden supplies & tools, childrens clothes, Hardware, Clothes, etc |
100 Coolidge Drive | Miscellaneous household items, clothes |
27 North Sailors Quay Drive | Household items, toys, bric-a-brac, laps, end tables, etc |
29 North Sailors Quay Drive | General Household items |
982 Ridge Road | Clothes, toys, etc |
373 Essex Drive | Household items |
291 Huppert Drive | Books, household items, games, kitchen items |
319 Shawnee Drive | Household items |
24 Burnt Bridge Avenue | Antiques, collectables, jewelry, household items |
9 Robinson Road | House furniture |
580 Karen Lane | Toys, household items, electronics |
3 Kent Drive | Kitchen things, lamps, Christmas stuff |
412 Midstreams Road | Pictures, kid stuff, clothing, shoes, etc |
317 Prospect Drive | Furniture, appliances, variety of household items |
324 Barkentine Lane | Fishing, boating, general, inflatable boat |
1171 Concord Drive | Toys, clothing, tools, housewares, furniture |
137 Timothy Street | Sports equipment, household items, antiques, tools, men clothes |
71 Greenbriar Boulevard | Lamps, plumbing items, desk chair, tools, storage cabinet |
139 Starboard Road | Household items, exercise equipment, clothes |
518 Dorothy Place | Jewelry, Beanie Babies, cameras, clothes, handbags |
418 West Lake Drive | Furniture, household items |
14 Bahia Court | Vintage tools, fishing gear, electrical stuff |
30 Tall Timber Drive | Household items, toys, RC |
183 Cleveland Court | Books, china, electrical goods, tools, household equipment |
671 Preston Street | Clothing, household items, miscellaneous items, baby items, etc |
4 Addison Court | Mens tools, household items |
536 Robinhood Road | Kitchen items, toys, clothing, baseball action figures |
30 Barker Street | Luggage, household items, jewelry, TV, rollator |
3 Thoreau Court | Household goods, books, clothing |
626 Point Avenue | Household items, novelty jewelry, kids, toys, collectables |
19 Lawndale Drive | New and slightly used items |
839 Pioneer Drive | Cassette tapes & CDs, clothing, shoes, accessories, holiday items, lots of stuff |
226 Riviera Drive | Furniture, household items, clothes |
311 Eastham Road | Antique tools, power tools, socket sets, drill bit sets, Craftsman tools |
2 Victory Lane | Household items |
48 Walden Road | Baby items, toys, frames, baby toys |
2515 Hooper Avenue | Children’s dresses, clothing, shoes, toys, some household items |
110 Birchwood Drive | Household items and tools |
6 Alcala Drive | Home goods, wreaths, wedding décor, clothes, furniture |
273 Prospect Drive | Poster bed full, chest of drawers bureau w/mirror, rod & reels, power tools |
719 Drum Point Road | Mattress, bicycles, wall art, clothes |
556 Mark Drive | Dresser, mirror, shelves, holiday décor, outdoor furniture |
50 Burnt Tavern Road | New and gently used baby items, household and kitchen items, décor |
255 Vermont Drive | General household items, clothes, furniture |
211 Central Boulevard | |
16 Regent Court | Pillows, garden statues, clothes, furniture, blankets, books, etc |
241 Circle Drive | Boat, furniture, sporting goods, toys |
77 Burnt Tavern Road | Craftsman woodworking tools, hand tools, garden and outdoor items, household items, etc |
306 Van Zile Road | Furniture, clothes, kids toys |
1420 Green Grove Road | Women clothes, baby clothes, baby toys, fishing gear |
21 Alcala Drive | Miscellaneous items |
40 Hollycrest Drive | Clothes, gym equipment, household items, snow boards, fishing gear, trading cards, guitar, amp, etc |
307 Herbertsville Road | Sporting goods, tools, household items |
75 Salem Road | Household items, batroom sink |
39 Walden Road | New clothes, used frames, furniture, house goods |
17 Jeffrey Lane | Collectables, toys, games, memorabilia |
7 Wintergreen Avenue | Household goods |
24 Coral Drive | Miscellaneous goods |
123 Cedarhurst Road | Household items, clothes, electronics, kitchenware |
42 Cedar Village Boulevard | Puzzles, ornaments, glassware, kitchen stuff, tools |
621 Preston Street | Scrap book supplies, Fisher Price toys |
517 Nebraska Avenue | Household items, small appliances, shoes, clothes |
761 Iron Court | Toys, books, plush, Disney, small household items |
18 Cumberland Drive | Toys, clothes, tools, baby items, household items |
521 Carroll Fox Road | Collectables, fishing gear, clothing, knick knacks |
938 Chelsea Drive | Designer bags and shoes, toys, clothes, holiday decorations, household items |
1 Brant Drive | Fishing equipment |
710 Barberry Drive | Various items |
277 Vermont Drive | Household goods |
1431 Green Grove Road | Glassware, pictures, picture frames, home décor |
7 Bahia Court | Exercise equipment, household items, miscellaneous items |
75 Coral Drive | Baby stuff, cribs, toys, tools, household items |
17 Marigold Lane | Furniture, household items, mens clothing |
115 Barb Lane | Household items, toys |
193 Lions Head Boulevard South | Crafts, clothing, holiday items, kitchen items, inside décor |
65 Marbro Avenue | Household items, knick knacks, books, kitchen items |
673 Millbrook Road | Household items, toys |
401 16th Avenue | Housewares, CDs, clothing |
37 Brower Drive | Household items, clothing |
27 Redwing Avenue | Clothes, toys |
586 Allen Road | General home goods |
911 Cypress Avenue | Fishing gear, craft material, general household items |
2 Bow Drive | Home décor, kitchen ware, framed pictures |
110 D Street | Home décor, childrens toys, some womens clothing |
41 Watkins Road | Housewares, craft supplies, clothes, toys |
36 Princeton Pines Place | Household goods, tools, hardware, recreation equipment |
9 Thames Place | Dog Items, small furniture, books, small appliances |
9 Garland Drive | Various household items |
828 North Drive | |
285 16th Avenue | Household and holiday decorations |
816 Conte Avenue | Furniture, household goods, art work, kitchen items, etc |
945 Chelsea Drive | Household items |
105 Baser Lane | Art, furniture, kitchen goods, Disney globes, jewelry, etc |
365 Elm Lane | New and used clothing, toys, shoes, household items |
465 Bryn Mawr Drive | Lighthouse collectables, antique tools, bikes, womens eveningwear, china |
101 Altier Avenue | Vintage items, housewares, clothing |
360 Newark Drive | Household items, baby items, decorations |
321 Green Tree Road | Miscellaneous items, toys, baby things, kitchen items |
896 Lynnwood Avenue | Christmas Village, wine racks, baking pans, miscellaneous household items |
462 Miller Avenue | Childrens toys, clothes, dishes |
42 Van Ness Drive | Household items, tools, crafts |
34 Port Road | Household items, pictures, rugs, glassware |
142 Besante Boulevard | Household items, furniture, knick knacks, clothing |
183 Cherry Quay Road | Household items, tools, kids clothing |
23 Schoener Drive | Collectables, household items, postcards/stamps, old stuff |
251 19th Avenue | Household items, games, dishes, holiday items |
52 Bayview Drive | Clothing, household items, pictures |
123 Bluefin Drive | Toys, childrens clothes, books, vinyl records, miscellaneous |
34 Hemlock Drive | Bar signs, fire pit, tools, household items |
7 Wood Chuck Lane | Hampers, table runners, small tv, décor pillows, kitchen stuff |
11 Cedar Village Drive | Jewelry, furniture, household items |
477 New York Avenue | Household items |
558 Colorado Avenue | Household items, jewelry, miscelleanous items |
113 Dock Road | Snowbabies, toys, baby items, clothes, household items |
430 Rose Avenue | Household goods, clothing, baby items |
4 Lowell Court | General household items, clothes, tools, kitchen ware, holiday décor |
429 Malibu Way | Household items, home goods |
45 Crest Drive | Household items, kids sports cards, games, etc |
450 Magnolia Avenue | Household items, tools, bike, clothing, décor |
609 Hill Drive | Disney, toys, vintage Star Wars, power tools, Christmas décor |
812 Bristol Lane | Home décor, kids toys, baby clothes, kitchen items |
648 Point Avenue | Baby items, furniture, lawn furniture, lawn equipment, rugs |
800 Constitution Drive | Clothing, baby items, toys, art (pictures) |
30 Yorkwood Drive | Wine Box Birdhouses, cork birdhouses |
160 17th Avenue | Toys, kitchen items, household items, games, puzzles |
27 Perry Drive | Tools, gas power washers, patio furniture, seasonal decorations, beanie babies |
8 Santiago Drive | Kitchen goods, housewares, décor, crafts, puzzles, games, toys |
773 Barberry Drive | Toys, clothes, household items |
139 Lions Head Boulevard | Christmas and other decorative items, CDs, books, dishware |
387 18th Avenue | Kids toys, bikes, books, some good junk, a bit of clothing |
8 Abbey Road | Household items |
103 Trinity Place | Tools |
364 Shawnee Drive | |
142 Riviera Drive | Toys, household items, camping gear, Nerf guns, other items |
18 Johnson Street | Household items, clothing |
24 Cedar Knoll Drive | Clothing, toys, household stuff |
425 Harris Avenue | Household goods |
314 Maxwell Court | Toys, household items |
236 Katie Lynn Court | Children’s toys, clothing, furniture, outdoor toys, household items |
1715 West Princeton Avenue | Tools, household items, clothes, toys, books, albums, etc |
86 Pineland Road | Shoes, toys, household items, books |
624 Kenmore Road | Tools, toys, household items |
1643 Green Grove Road | Housewares, movies, seasonal/holiday items, clothing |
142 Riverside Drive North | Electronics, deco, home goods, cosmetics |
115 Polk Drive | Furniture, dishes, antiques |
556 Marbro Avenue | Clothing, toys |
93 Yorkwood Drive | Household items, furniture, home décor, miscellaneous items |
77 Lions Head Boulevard | Furniture, household items, brik-a-brak, home décor |
104 Yorkwood Drive | Household items, DVDs, decorator items, miscellaneous items, womens clothes |
162 Riviera Drive | Household items, glasses, dishes, CDs, books, purses |
595 California Avenue | Childrens toys, household items, gently used clothing |
47 Meadowbrook Road | Pyrex, milk glass, uranium glass, home décor, antiques |
353 Iroquois Drive | Housewares, kitchen, dining, bedroom, linens, clothing |
366 Arrowhead Drive | Antiques, baby items, toys, sporting goods, clothing |
129 Richard Street | Kitchenware, clothing, housewares, decorative items |
42 Lancaster Road | Vintage antiques, clothes, jewelry and accessories, ephemera |
348 19th Avenue | Tools, furniture, decorations, jewelry |
434 Rose Avenue | Moving sale, 50 years of stuff! |
489 17th Avenue | Bikes, housewares, art supplies, womens clothes, books, dolls |
662 Rolling Hills Court | Housewares, yard items, furniture |
626 Campbell Place | Household items |
1613 W. Princeton Avenue | Clothes, housewares, pictures, jewelry, knick knacks, glasses |
11 Tudor Court | HO Trains, stained and fused glass, celestron telescope, miscellaneous |
1294 Victoria Court | Household items |
497 16th Avenue | Home decorations, collectables, clothing, etc |
115 Lauren Lane | Home décor, small furniture, linens, holiday décor |
143 Harding Drive | Housewares, furniture, clothes |
106 Village Way | Odd things you may want |
142 Lilac Drive | Machine shop tools |
15 Lauren Lane | Household items, clothes |
10 Lauren Lane | Household items, children and baby items |
16 Sanford Road | Electric and plumbing tools, books, other stuff |
640 Hill Drive | Household items |
186 Lions Head Boulevard S. | Household items |
62 Burnt Bridge Avenue | Household items, tools, clothing |
4 Compass Avenue | Fishing items, baby items, toys, tools |
22 Greenhill Drive | Household items, collectables, books, clothes, crafts |
123 Linnea Lane | Home décor |
638 Campbell Place | Fish tanks, air purifier, office chair, tools… |
61 Nina Court | Household items |
6 Lions Head Boulevard South | Wheelchair, glassware, Avon collectables, miscelleanous items |
631 Illinois Avenue | Toys, collectables, electronics, household items, tools |
27 Brant Drive | Furniture, collectables, household items |
1405 Green Grove Road | Clothes, tools, general stuff |
14 Tennis Court | Household items, clothing, etc |
1614 West Princeton Avenue | 1980 Honda Kick N Go Scooter, Minolta Camera, collectables, household items, new/used stuff |
943 Lynnwood Avenue | Furniture, lamps, fixtures, household goods |
65 Melody Avenue | Novelty items, housewares, life jackets, glassware, Christmas Decorations, more |
588 Alabama Avenue | Household items, tools |
70 Burton Parkway | Tools, household items, camping supplies, kids stuff |
81 Coral Drive | Tools, Christmas items, sports, knick knacks, miscellaenous |
142 Harding Drive | Household items, toys, collectables |
321 Alden Street | Miscellaneous holiday items, clothes, jewelry, household items |
2265 Lanes Mill Road | Furniture, household items |
10 D Court M | Dishes, housewares, craft items, knick knacks, etc |
1626 Forge Pond Road | Kids toys, kids clothing |
235 18th Avenue | Household items, clothes, records |
509 Ivy Place | Yard sale |
203 Drum Point Road | Household items |
1 Robinson Road | TV Cabinet, round coffee table, womens clothing, household items |
332 20th Avenue | Household items |
60 Lauren Lane | Household items |
61 Lauren Lane | Household items |
76 Coral Drive | Head and footboards, lawn mower, ladder, miscellaneous items |
163 Lions Head Boulevard South | Golf clubs, antiques, house goods and tools, clothes |
778 Downey Avenue | Yard decorations, fishing stuff, leaf blower |
14 Abbey Road | Dishes, tools, small appliances |
225 Riverside Drive North | Nautical, tools, fishing rods, household and miscellaneous items |
30 Edgewood Drive | Household items, decorative, furniture |
69 Lauren Lane | Miscellaneous items |
11 Longfellow Court | Shelves, toys, clothes, seasonal items |
419 South Community Drive | Childrens, automotive, household items |
317 Church Road | Household items, tools, garden tools |
77 Jib Lane | 2 love seats, Beanie Babies, mirrored end tables, books, household items |
679 Maple Avenue | Household goods, Halloween items |
182 20th Avenue | Household, Pioneer Woman, kids toys, kitchen items, clothes |
895 Lynnwood Avenue | Big Screen TV, sound system, queen bed frame/head board, Xbox 360 and games |
427 MacArthur Drive | Housewares, childrens toys and clothes, recreational items |
321 16th Avenue | Miscellaneous household items, clothes, tools |
7 South Sailor’s Quay Drive | Furniture, antiques, household items, cycling equipment |
31 North Sailor’s Quay Drive | Household items, artwork, miscellaneous items, furniture |
47 Primrose Lane | Household items, car items, crafting items |
545 Harbor Road | Artwork, fishing, wooden signs |
11 Evelyn Court | Exercise equipment, lots of stuff for kids, something for everyone |
26 Green Hill Drive | Appliances, clothes, household items |
117 Albert Street | Estate contents, household items |
525 Rhode Island Avenue | Womens plus size clothing, childrens toys and clothing |
9 Bahia Court | General household, tools |
5 Kent Drive | Household items, miscellaneous items |
563 Driscol Drive | Household items, toys, clothing, baby items |
765 Paramount Way | Kids toys |
313 Arrowhead Park Drive | Household, collectables, dolls and much more |
68 Baywood Boulevard | Household items, welder/torch set |
336 19th Avenue | Household items, Ninja Cookware, Wine racks |
331 Alden Street | Clothing, toys, household wares |
153 Vanard Drive | Household items, clothing, electronics, shoes, cutlery |
447 Ripley Court | Curio cabinet, mirrors, Lenox birds, golf clubs, miscellaneous items |
230 Hawaii Drive | Kids clothes, toys |
164 Cottage Place | Household items, clothing, jewelry, books, glassware |
1600 Burrsville Road | Hand tools, bicycles, motorcycle, leather jackets, household items |
306 Evergreen Drive | Collectable dolls, furniture, baby furniture and items, clothing, household items |
177 Queen Ann Road | Clothes, shoes, kitchen plates, toys, furniture pieces |
15 Captains Drive | Halloween items, jewelry, housewares, shoes and boots, handbags |
449 17th Avenue | Clothes, vintage items, fishing, tools, glassware, collectables |
18 Scheiber Drive | Furniture, household décor, lamps, patio furniture, china |
1681 Laurelton Street | Pottery, tools |
76 Lions Head Boulevard South | Household items, clothes, computer chair |
69 Dock Road | New clothes, shoes, electronics, purses/bags, jewelry |
51 Lions Head Boulevard South | Household items, dishes |
71 Lauren Lane | Household items, glass, baby items |
104 Hilltop Drive | DVDs, CDs, miscellaneous items, collectables |
617 Preston Street | Household items |
441 Vine Street | Household items, clothing, assorted items, DVDs, decorations |
60 London Road | Household goods, tools |
116 Queen Ann Road | Vera Bradley items, various other purses/wallets, costume jewelry, small appliances, misc items |
980 Round Avenue | Kids toys and things, jewelry, clothing, fishing supplies |
85 Oakland Drive | Toys, clothes, books, bikes |
346 17th Avenue | Like-new home items, home décor, clothing |
120 Solar Drive | Toys, clothes, household décor, furniture, shoes, purses |
16 Sunnydale Drive | Miscellaneous items |
713 Allwood Road | Miscellaneous children knick-knacks |
20 A North Raleigh Road | Antiques, household items, furniture, outboard motor, snow blower |
1237 Andover Road | Tools, boating, housewares, kids clothes, toys |
572 Alabama Avenue | Toys, household items, randomstuff |
779 Tall Oaks Drive | Clothing, toys, books, household items |
24 Hoover Drive | Kids stuff, household items, books |
460 West Lake Drive | Household items, collectables, china/dishes, Nascar cars |
165 Lions Head Boulevard South | Extravagant peacock wooden puzzle, lip balm, maybelline nail polish, diamond painting, more |
97 Sleepy Hollow Drive | Furniture, clothes, etc |
105 Meadowbrook Road | Xmas Decorations, household items, etc |
745 Midstreams Road | Tools, trains, garage supplies, Christmas village |
177 18th Avenue | Fishing poles and reels, fishing lures, etc |
1592 West Princeton Avenue | Household items, collectables, automotive, lawn care, etc |
41 Harrison Avenue | Baby items, furniture, screenhouse, household items |
26 Diane Drive | Bikes, kitchenware, decorative items, clothing |
408 Sloping Hill Terrace | Clothing, shoes, household items, dishes |
417 West Lake Drive | Household goods |
402 Bella Vista Road | Holiday items, baby items, home décor, bikes, clothing |
9 West Pier | Tools, gym equipment, beach wagon, motorcycle clothes and helmet |
82 Coral Drive | Holiday, pet supplies, household items |
23 Coolidge Drive | Beer steins, shot glasses, shoes, household items, DVDs, books |
90 Neil Avenue | Baby, infant and toddler items, toys, sporting goods |
402 Princeton Avenue | Beach equipment, designer womens clothes, new furniture, boho beach wedding supplies, appliances, etc |
761 Midstreams Road | Clothes, rugs, toys, adult clothes |
47 Tony Court | Household items |
670 Rolling Hills Court | Furniture, decorations, new and gently used toys and clothes |
705 Herberstville Road | Household items |
115 Meadowbrook Road | Collectables, jewelry, miscellaneous household items, tools, beach chairs |
2325 Hooper Avenue | Housewares, collectables, sports memorabilia, clothes |
407 Drum Point Road | Household items, lamps, furniture, mirrors |
964 Ridge Road | Kids toys/necessities, clothes, home décor, work out equipment |
287 Sky Manor Boulevard | Clothing, home décor, household items, sewing machine table, camouflage jackets |
80 Coral Drive | Tools, bikes, pictures, house décor, clothes, holiday items |
464 Central Avenue | Clothes, toys, household items, antiques, collectables |
26 Mallard Drive | Holiday decorations, some household items |
29 Sutton Drive | Clothes, purses |
380 South Lake Drive | Childrens toys, household stuff |
444 Valley Way | Clothes, holiday Dept. 56 villages, x-box games, lots of stuff |
191 Delta Place | Baby furniture, toys, household items |
38 Cleveland Avenue | Tools, CDs, DVDs, mens clothes, miscellaneous items |
815 Blasius Avenue | Housewares, furniture, kids toys, clothing, books |
55 Crest Drive | Household and holiday items |
22 West Coral Drive | Kitchen and holiday decorations |
3 Arbor Drive | Home goods, kitchen items, holiday décor, pictures, miscellaneous stuff |
22 Dickinson Road | Miscellaneous household items, small furniture |
601 Rolling Hills Drive | Furniture, toys, home décor |
262 Spruce Drive | |
81 Nejecho Drive | Household and yard items |
358 Willow Avenue | Toys, Household items, clothes |
890 Lynnwood Avenue | Clothes, furniture and household items |
605 Donald Street | Household items, toys, clothes |
1218 Baylis Court | Household items, vases, table, bowls and plates, workout equipment, bar set, more |
730 Kevin Court | Bikes, leaf blower, clothes, computer accessories, decorations |
1362 Olivia Court | Household items |
718 Kevin Court | Clothes, miscellaneous items |
8 Adriana Court | Household items |
1216 Baylis Court | Household goods, miscellaneous items |
1230 Baylis Court | Household goods, baseball cards, fishing equipment |
1242 Isadora Court | Kids toys, general items, DVDs, household items |
324 Shannon Court | Household items, lamps, wine glasses, jackets |
1212 Rozbern Court | Household items, childrens items and toys |
654 Denise Court | Household goods, TV, TV stand, clothes |
446 Lonna Court | Adirondack chairs, bicycle, ceiling fans, pictures, football jerseys |
438 Winding Way | Bicycles, dock-a-tots, clothes, housewares, cyrstalware |
14 Sutton Drive | Furniture, clothes, shoes, china, books |
319 Vermont Drive | Vintage electronics, speakers, high end audio, housewares |
442 Vine Street | Many different items – collectables, games, comics, toys and more |
337 Alden Street | Household items, mens suits, holiday stuff, Indian/wolf stuff |
113 Tunes Brook Drive | Clothes, housewares, everything only $1! |
617 Kenmore Road | Household items, games, art, holiday items, miscellaneous goods |
478 17th Avenue | Household items |
396 Earl Drive | Clothing, jewelry, household goods, bikes, furniture |
101 Winchester Drive | WWII Military Insignias/patches, costume jewelry, Lenox, trumpet, flute, vintage and household items |
1644 Hoffman Street | Mom/baby, housewares, linens, clothes |
5 Harding Drive | Bicycles, generator, clothing, spider plants, CDs, DVDs, household items, etc |
66 Central Boulevard | |
425 Shoreline Place | Tools, clothes, household items, toys for teens, everything! |
785 Maple Avenue | Baby items, household items, childrens clothes, toys, Hess trucks |
1474 Leah Court | Toys, home décor, exercise equipment, tank reptile/fish, holiday décor |
1585 Forge Pond Road | Electronics, clothes, household goods, collectables, tools, jewelry |
167 Binnacle Road | Clothes, shoes, bags |
208 Colonial Drive | Electronics, books, household items |
338 Eastern Road | Housewares, cat and dog items, kids books, clothes |
16 Quail Run | Artwork from local artist, metal and copper wall art, 1981 Corvette hood |
6 Cross Trees Road | Household decorations, some larger items (mirror, vanity) |
52 Red Wing Avenue | Household items |
559 Driscoll Drive | Clothes, furniture, electronics, some décor |
754 Tall Oaks Drive | Games, household items, exercise equipment, appliances |
243 Lake Road | Electric and hand tools |
116 Harding Drive | Household goods, Christmas decorations, sports memorabilia |
762 Downey Avenue | Clay bead bracelets, dolls, household items, toys, novelties |
285 Tennessee Drive | Clothing, household goods, games, toys |
103 Fairway Drive | Kitchen items, clothes, home décor, bags |
3 Leeds Court | Household goods, clothing |
371 Hudson Drive | Childrens toys, car seats, collectables |
145 Natick Trail | Kitchen items, home décor, furniture |
1684 Forge Pond Road | Clothes, household items, fishing stuff |
545 Dorothy Place | Furniture, household items, books, variety of things |
32 Blue Cedar Drive | Household items |
521 Community Drive | Clothes, tools, home stuff |
176 Queen Ann Road | Deal on firewood, Barbie house, baby knitted blankets, household items |
12 Cadiz Drive | Household items, fishing gear, children, tools, something for everyone |
123 Valencia Drive | Household items, something for everyone |
78 Sunset Road | Kids clothing, womens clothing, household items |
400 Drum Point Road | General household items, furniture, paintings, tools |
737 Midstreams Road | Household items, baby items, books, toys |
192 Baywood Boulevard | Toys, clothes, jewelry, new makeup, household items |
293 Essex Drive | Miscellaneous items |
330 Lake Shore Drive | Furniture, kitchen ware, sporting goods, yard tools, kids, games/toys |
14 Sunnydale Drive | Furniture, household items, tools, boat supplies, clothing |
1663 Fairwood Lane | Miscellaneous items |
416 Birch Bark Drive | Household items |
53 Delmar Drive | Pillows, chairs, clothes, dishes and glasses |
109 Redwood Place East | Tools, household items, clothes |
110 Redwood Place East | Tools, clothes, reclaimed building materials, household goods |
37 Sailors Quay Drive | Home items, books, outdoor items, womens and mens clothing, kitchenwares, beauty products |
2 Bayberry Avenue | Household items, furniture, toys, tools, linens, clothes |
316 Huxley Drive | Furniture, kayak, clothes, humidifier, tools |
183 Glen Ridge Court | Paintings, vases, dishes, lamps, living room décor |
20 2nd Street | Anitques, housewares, furniture |
737 Point View Road | Honda lawnmower, circular and chain saws, electric leaf blower, vice grip bench, large extension ladders |
400 Sloping Hill Terrace | Kids clothing, clothing, kids toys, household items, furniture |
601 Allen Road | Furniture, household items |
1447 Metedeconk Avenue | Garden tools, toys, household items |
116 Harding Drive | Sports memorabilia, Christmas décor, houswares, miscellaenous items, clothes, collectables |
406 Clark Drive | Household and clothing |
1238 Concord Drive | Table, furniture, odds and ends |
157 Algonquin Trail | |
863 Glenwood Place | Baby Items, womens clothing, shoes, household items, decorations |
38 Arbutus Place | Household items |
33 Arbutus Place | Household items |

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