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Music, Dance, Art Studio Complex Proposed for Former Boatyard in Brick

266 Mantoloking Road (Credit: Google Earth)

266 Mantoloking Road (Credit: Google Earth)

A prospective business owner is seeking to build a music, dance and arts studio in Brick Township, converting an existing vacant building that once housed a boat storage and repair facility to a complex that would host a playhouse and space for other fine arts activities.

Mantoloking Playhouse LLC has proposed its studio to be constructed at 266 Mantoloking Road, just east of Sandy Point Road, approximately across the street from the Mantoloking Alehouse restaurant.

According to a planning board filing, the property is located in the Village Zone and is an allowable use there. The applicant is seeking change of use approval to convert the existing building into an arts, music and dance studio complex with site improvements including parking lot improvements, ADA improvements, landscaping and lighting improvements, a new proposed trash enclosure, and perforated pipe for stormwater management.

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According to the application, the existing Sandy Point community sign is proposed to remain in the area dedicated for eventual road widening. The sign is located outside the property and has no ties to the application, the planning document said.

The company is proposing to heavily renovate the existing building at the site, including the construction of a 24.2-by-20-foot addition to the building along with interior improvements. Additional variances and design waivers are being requested for parking spaces measuring 9-feet in width where 10-feet is usually required, plus permission to provide parking spaces closer than 20 feet to the Cranberry Cove Road, where 20-feet is normal minimum. Also proposed is a driveway along Mantoloking Road that is closer than the 100-foot limit normally required from the intersection of Mantoloking and Cranberry Cove roads.

A hearing on the application is scheduled for the planning board’s Nov. 6 meeting, which is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex.