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Police: Man Injured After Accidental Gun Discharge at Brick Costco

Bullet (Credit: William Hook/ Creative Commons)

Bullet (Credit: William Hook/ Creative Commons)

Brick police confirmed reports that a firearm was accidentally discharged in the township’s Costco supermarket Sunday, though the injuries sustained to the person who mistakenly fired the weapon are not life-threatening.

The incident occurred at about 1 p.m. Sunday at the Costco store located at 465 Route 70.

“The owner of the firearm sustained a non-life threatening injury,” police said. “The incident is under investigation.”

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Police confirmed the person who discharged the weapon – whose name was not divulged – was legally licensed to carry it. Witnesses who posted accounts to social media said they heard the gunshot, and a shell casing landed on the ground of the warehouse store, though no customers were injured.

Shorebeat will follow up with authorities and report more details when they emerge.

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