Brick Township’s new dialysis transportation program is running on a near-constant basis, taking senior citizens to dialysis appointments and coordinating the service with providers.
The overwhelming success of the new program, which just began in January, has prompted township officials to seek an expansion. Mayor Lisa Crate said this week that the program has already generated more than 360 runs between its two buses. Demand, however, still exists.
“We did just apply for another grant to see if we can get two handicap-accessible vans for people who are wheelchair-bound who need to go to these appointments,” said Crate.
While the buses the township purchased via grant funding are wheelchair-accessible, the size and layout of the vehicles mean that embarking and disembarking patients in wheelchairs takes longer than it would if a smaller van was used. Purchasing two vans would not only free up more capacity in general, but make transportation easier for some patients.
“If we had something that was easier to get the wheelchairs in and out of, and provide a little more privacy for the person, we think that would work great,” said Crate.
This year’s proposed township budget includes funding for additional vehicles that could be used by the Senior Services division for the dialysis program.

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