A home that also has a commercial component connected to it will now become a medical office following approval by the Brick Township planning board last week.
The board unanimously approved the application by BreMar Holdings LLC, which is based at another address on the state highway in Brick, to convert the property at 2019 Route 88 to a medical office.
The property consists of 23,648 square feet with existing uses as a single family residence combined with a commercial use and associated parking. The Applicant is seeking minor site plan approval to change the use of the existing residential-commercial building to a medical office building with associated parking. The property is located just north of Van Zile and Old Squan Roads, a short drive past St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church.
The plan came before the board with benefits to the movement of traffic along offices on Route 88, the project’s representatives said.
“We’ve included a pedestrian cross-access between two lots,” the engineer on the project told board members, explaining that the parking lot would connect to a chiropractic office next door.
The plan required the approval of just two very minor variances – one which proposes a 47-foot setback from the highway rather than the 50-feet required, and another which asks to maintain 11 parking spaces where 12 would normally be required.