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Project to Reconstruct Brick’s Princeton Avenue Goes Out to Bid

The length of a reconstruction project along Princeton Avenue, Brick Township, 2024. (Source: Ocean County)

The length of a reconstruction project along Princeton Avenue, Brick Township, 2024. (Source: Ocean County)

Ocean County is soliciting bids for the reconstruction and repaving of Princeton Avenue in Brick Township.

Project plans call for the road, which falls under county jurisdiction, to be reconstructed and repaved along, essentially, its entire length from Post Road to its eastern terminus at Barnegat Bay. The project will encompass a 3.38-mile portion of roadway, or 17,832 linear feet.

The reconstruction projects calls for permanent erosion control work, clearing and grubbing, grading, construction of stormwater and drainage improvements, plus repaving. There will also be numerous pipe and drain replacements, and all curb ramps will be rebuilt to conform to standards set by the Americans With Disabilities Act.

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More specifically, the reconstruction project calls for the “reprofiling” of portions of the roadway; the replacement of corrugated metal pipe using reinforced concrete pipe or ductile iron pipe; the reconstruction of concrete curb, concrete sidewalk, and ADA curb ramps; the installation of detectable warning surfaces, curb pieces, bicycle safe grates, and traffic stripes and markings. ‘

Two traffic signals will also be modified as a part of the planned work. This includes upgrading the existing pedestrian facilities to current ADA standards and modifying the existing traffic signals to meet current standards. The various locations involve the installation of pedestrian signal assemblies, countdown heads, and additional traffic signal heads.

The scope of the work will also replace three sanitary sewer manholes with three PVC-lined sanitary sewer manholes, and reconnection of the new PVC manholes to an existing 8-inch and 10-inch PVC sewer main and a manhole connected to the Ocean County Utilities Authority.

The contract does indicate that there will be occasional detours, though the eventual contractor is obligated to minimize the number of road closures associated with the project. Work is authorized to be performed between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.. on weekdays. Work must end by 6 p.m. on Fridays, and no lane closures will be permitted for more than 15 minutes within each hour during daytime work hours.

Bids are being accepted by the county until May 21. The construction schedule will be announced following the award of a contract and agreed-upon dates to be determined at a pre-construction meeting with county officials afterward.

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