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Brick Parks to Receive New Surfacing, Security Cameras

Two Brick Township parks – one new, and one due for upgrades – will be the subject of projects that will take care of residents’ concerns.

Frede Drive Park


This week, the township council voted unanimously to award a contract for the resurfacing of Frede Drive Park, located at 119 Frede Drive. The park features a playground and basketball courts.

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The $152,760 contract with Rubber Recycle, of Lakewood, will provide for the removal of old playground surfacing and the installation of new safety surface, according to Councilman Derrick Ambrosino.

“These funds were included in the 2024 capital budget,” Ambrosino said. “The budget includes ongoing maintenance of parks and the safety surfaces, with Frede being one of the oldest parks and most in need of safety surfacing.”

Cedar Bridge Manor Park

Cedar Bridge Manor Park, Oct. 2023. (Photo: Shorebeat)

Cedar Bridge Manor Park, Oct. 2023. (Photo: Shorebeat)

At Cedar Bridge Manor Park, located on a branch of the Metedeconk River on Manor Drive, officials said security cameras will soon be installed. A resident had raised concerns at a previous meeting stating that, after the park garnered a good deal of publicity for a major package of upgrades, the area has become busier and some troublemakers have appeared from time-to-time.

“There has been a little bit of riff-raff there lately,” the resident, who name Shorebeat has withheld for privacy purposes, said. “There have been some ladies there who were called a few names, and it has not been a good situation. We have a lot of outsiders coming down to that park now, and it’s kind of getting a little bit out of control.”

The request from residents for security cameras, which are normally linked to the police department, had already been granted by the time the concerns were expressed, said township Business Administrator Joanne Bergin.

“We have the camera infrastructure in place,” said Bergin. “It was put in at the time we did the park, and the cameras are on the list for IT [employees] to install.”

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