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Portion of Chambers Bridge Road Will Be Reconstructed by Ocean County

Chambers Bridge Road at the Garden State Parkway. (Credit: Google Earth)

Chambers Bridge Road at the Garden State Parkway. (Credit: Google Earth)

Ocean County is planning to reconstruct a portion of Chambers Bridge Road in Brick Township adjacent to the Garden State Parkway entrance near the municipal complex.

Chambers Bridge Road is a county road. The county is planning to reconstruct a 750 linear foot portion of the roadway – about .14 miles – that runs under the Garden State Parkway over pass where it crosses the road. According to specifications released to potential bidders, the project will include grading, drainage improvements, soil erosion prevention and landscaping. New traffic signals will also be installed, and the roadway will be widened, with new grading present on the west side. The work will include a new “signal ahead” sign, alerting drivers to a potential red light that cannot otherwise be seen since its view is blocked by the overpass.

Chambers Bridge Road at the Garden State Parkway. (Credit: Google Earth)

Chambers Bridge Road at the Garden State Parkway. (Credit: Google Earth)

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The project, while not large in physical area, is expected to be complex due to the presence of the Parkway overpass. It will include some portions that must be hand-dug by workers rather than using power excavation tools. Temporary lane closures will also be required, the specifications say. No detours will be permitted and the contractor must keep the busy road open to traffic.

The specifications call for work to be halted on weekends and holidays. Daytime working hours will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and nighttime working hours will run from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. The construction schedule will be announced after bids are solicited and a contract awarded. The project is estimated not to exceed $1 million.

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