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Holiday Help: Brick Historical Society Cookie Sale, Marching Dragons Craft Fair Planned

Brick's Havens Homestead museum, decked out for Christmas. (File Photo)

Brick’s Havens Homestead museum, decked out for Christmas. (File Photo)

As the holiday rush gets underway in earnest this week, two Brick organizations will host fundraisers that will help the community and check off a couple of gifts on your shopping list.

The Brick Township Historical Society will host its annual cookie sale during the month of December, with orders due by Dec. 5. A one-pound decorated box of assorted homemade cookies is $10. Each cookie box must be pre-ordered by Dec. 5 by calling 732-458-6266. Orders can be picked up Saturday, Dec.14 between 10 a.m. and 12 noon at the Havens Homestead Museum, 521 Herbertsville Road.

For a charming, crafty gift selection, the Marching Brick Dragons Caravan will host its annual winter craft fair Saturday, Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Brick Township High School. Over 100 vendors will be in attendance at one of the area’s largest events of its kind. All proceeds benefit the much-celebrated BTHS Marching Band (the “Marching Dragons”).

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