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Two Brick Township Commercial Buildings to Get Zoning Board Hearings

254 Drum Point Road (Credit: Google Maps)

254 Drum Point Road (Credit: Google Maps)

Brick Township’s Zoning Board of Adjustment will hear the applications of the owners of two commercial buildings in town that are requesting variances for proposed work on their properties. The hearings will be held in January.

Drum Point Road

The first hearing, which is scheduled for Jan. 8, concerns the former B&B Clothing warehouse building at 254 Drum Point Road. The building is now owned by American Perfit, a company that distributes parts and accessories for watches. The company is seeking approval to expand its building, increasing impervious coverage slightly above the permitted area of 60 percent to 64.7 percent.

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Warehouses are not permitted in the Village Zone, in which the property is located, and therefore requires a supermajority of board members to approve an expansion of a non-permitted use. The property borders the Drum Point Village townhome community to the east and a wooded parcel to the west.

The hearing will be held Jan. 8, 2025 at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex.

Mantoloking Road

A building on Mantoloking Road will be requesting – interestingly – no actual changes, but its owner must still appear before the board to fulfill legal requirements.

LaConti Masonry will appear before the board on an application to modify the upper floor of its building at 253 Mantoloking Road. No modifications, additions or any physical changes to the building are proposed; the owner is seeking to reduce two apartments on the upper floor to a single apartment, and use the space that is now taken up by the second apartment for commercial space. The first floor would remain commercial space, as it always has been.

The application, likewise to the B&B building, also requires supermajority approval before board since its configuration is not normally permitted in the Village Zone – which covers much of the Mantoloking Road corridor – despite the pre-existing nature of the layout.

The application will be heard at the Jan. 22, 2025 meeting of the zoning board, which is scheduled for 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex.

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