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Brick Sets Rates for New Public EV Charging Stations in Town

Dakota County, Minnesota, Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation, Flickr images reviewed by FlickreviewR 2, Pages with maps, Photographs by Tony Webster, United States photographs taken on 2018-05-23

Image from Wikimedia

Brick Township officials have set the rates for new electric vehicle charging stations that have been installed in town.

The charging stations – two located at Windward Beach Park and another two located at the Drum Point Sports Complex – are powered by ChargePoint, which operates a network of 286,000 charging stations across 14 countries. The stations are dual use, being open to the public and also available for use by township-opened electric vehicles utilized by the Parks Department.

Councilwoman Heather de Jong said an ordinance introduced this week would set fees for the chargers between 17 cents and .8 per killowathour, depending on market rates. The average rate per killowatthour in the United States in Jan. 2025 was 16 cents, according to Electric Choice, a website that tracks EV charging price trends nationally. The lowest rate in the nation is in Florida, at 11 cents, and the highest is in Hawaii, at 33 cents.

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“The township’s Sustainable Brick Committee has worked with Chargepoint, the vendor for the charging stations, and reviewed neighboring municipalities and the fees they assess for their charging stations,” de Jong said.

ChargePoint has deployed a “J plug” style charging system at its Brick locations, which produce 6.6 kW of power. The chargers were funded through a state grant; now that the rates have been set, they will soon be opened to the public for use after initially being used for the township’s vehicles.

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